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Camille Antonsen
May 26, 20234 min read
How Going to Movie Theaters Alone Helped Me Feel Comfortable in Solitude
And why Americans need to normalize doing things in public by ourselves. The first time I went to a film alone, I avoided interacting...
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Camille Antonsen
Aug 2, 20223 min read
Film Review: Where the Crawdads Sing
Don't listen to the bad reviews, Where the Crawdads Sing is an atmospheric, captivating film with a solid performance by Daisy...
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Camille Antonsen
Jul 8, 20223 min read
Film Review: Before Sunrise - An Authentic, Nostalgic Portrayal of Modern Love
The first movie in the “Sunrise” trilogy is a refreshing addition to the romance genre, with incredibly authentic performances by Hawke...
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Camille Antonsen
Jun 21, 20223 min read
The Best British Biscuits
As an American studying at Oxford, I gave myself the very important job of compiling a list of my favourite biscuits, titled The Biscuit...
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Camille Antonsen
Jun 4, 20223 min read
Art Review: Pissarro: Father of Impressionism fails to include one key element of the artist's life
The exhibition succeeds in justifying Pissarro as a catalyst for an entire artistic movement, but its omission of the artist's Jewish...
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Camille Antonsen
May 21, 20224 min read
The Best Ice Cream Shops in New York City
Summer, fall, winter, or spring, these are the ice cream destinations you can't miss in (almost) all five boroughs (sorry, Staten Island...
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Camille Antonsen
Apr 5, 20222 min read
T.V. Recap: Fleabag (Season Two, Episode 4)
Photo from IMDb Fleabag is one of those rare shows that can pull off a balance of hilariously funny with utterly devastating. It made me...
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Camille Antonsen
Apr 5, 20222 min read
Film Review: In 2021, Wong Kar-Wai's Chungking Express is still effortlessly cool
Photo from IMDb At IFC Center’s series “The World of Wong Kar-Wai,” audiences flocked to the theatre to witness new restorations of the...
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